A tankless water heater may cost more upfront but can save you money over the long run. These units are also more energy efficient and provide endless hot water.

They heat water on demand as it flows through the pipes, reducing energy loss and eliminating lag time. Businesses such as salons and spas need a constant flow of hot water and will benefit from this technology.

Increased Energy Efficiency

A tankless water heater has significantly higher energy efficiency than conventional storage tank types. This is because they don’t have to heat water for use constantly. They only do so when a hot water fixture is turned on, supplying your home with enough hot water as needed.

This high efficiency also means that your electric bill is likely to decrease. If you’re concerned about your electrical costs, ask your professional to recommend a model that meets the Energy Star requirements of your area.

With more and more millennials entering the housing market, features that promote eco-friendly living are becoming must-haves in many homes. Upgrading to a tankless water heater is one of the easiest ways to make your home more environmentally responsible. This could attract the attention of potential buyers looking for an energy-efficient place to live.

Less Downtime

If your tank water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan or you often experience lukewarm showers, upgrading to an on-demand water heater is smart. Unlike traditional tanks that can be slow and unreliable, on-demand models heat water as it flows through your pipes, eliminating energy wastage.

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However, if you live in an area with hard water, your on-demand model will require regular flushing to keep minerals from building up and damaging its heat exchanger. In most cases, this maintenance can be handled by a professional tankless water heater service San Ramon, CA, and typically takes less than 20 minutes. A pro can also ensure the gas and electrical circuits are sized correctly for your new tankless water heater. This is important because it can prevent a gas leak or circuit overload that could damage the unit.

Increased Home Value

The on-demand water heaters are smaller than the storage tank units and hang on a wall, freeing up floor space. If your home is cramped, this can be a real benefit.

The heater only activates when a hot water tap is turned on. A flow sensor detects the water and sends a signal to the control panel. The controller then turns on the gas valve and ignites the flame, heating the water through the heat exchanger.

Since these heaters are more energy efficient than traditional tank units, they can help to cut your energy costs. This makes them a good investment and can be a selling point when you’re ready to sell your home. 

Increased Comfort

Have you ever woke up to find that the shower wasn’t hot? That’s because storage water heaters take time to refill and reheat, resulting in a wait before you can enjoy a shower.

Tankless systems heat water on demand, ensuring a steady hot water supply. These units are sized according to how much water your household uses daily. This allows for more flexibility than a conventional tank system, which must keep up with simultaneous water demands from multiple appliances and occupants.

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If you are waiting for hot water, add a recirculating system to your home or install a buffer tank to hold a small amount of water. In addition, schedule an annual vinegar flush to prevent mineral buildup from clogging the heating element.

Less Maintenance

Tankless water heaters do not require the maintenance of a gas or electric tank, and they have a much longer lifespan than traditional tanks. Their longevity makes them an excellent investment for homeowners, and their reliability is often a selling point when it comes time to sell a home.

When you turn on a hot-water tap, a flow sensor detects water running through the pipes and sends a signal to the heat exchanger to produce instantaneous hot water. The unit’s recirculation pump keeps the water flowing, and digital connectivity lets you track energy usage on your smartphone.

Upgrading to a tankless water heater may require upgrading your home’s water line to increase capacity. You can assess whether this is required for your home with the assistance of a qualified plumber.

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