Your lawn provides your home with curb appeal and a beautiful outdoor space for entertaining and play. But it doesn’t have to be a chore to maintain.

Overcompensating with extra lawn care can weaken your turf, leaving it vulnerable to drought, weeds, and pests. Here are some simple tips for keeping your yard looking great with little work.

Mow the Lawn at the Right Height

Homeowners often want to keep their lawn mowed at an optimum height that looks good and makes the turf healthy. However, too many people cut their lawns too short, which can cause problems during summer when it gets hot and dry.

A lawn mowed too low reduces the plant’s ability to manufacture food, which can lead to a lack of vigor and weed infestation. It can also be harder for the grass to survive during a summer drought when a scalped lawn can’t retain water.

Grass grows at different rates depending on the season and climate, so it’s important to have a good system to adjust your mowing height throughout the year. For example, cool-season grasses such as bluegrass and fescues typically grow faster in the spring and fall, while warm-season grasses like Zoysia and Bermuda are at their peak growth during the summer. Generally speaking, you should cut the turf about 2 inches tall during peak growth periods.

Keep a Rake on Hand

Turf does not have the same protection against spills and stains as organic grass, but keeping a rake on hand is still a good idea. Whether it’s a drink that gets spilled or ketchup from a family meal, the sooner these spills are cleaned up, the less likely they will stain your turf.

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A rake can also be useful in sweeping up leaves and other organic debris. Use a plastic or non-metal rake, as metal prongs can damage synthetic turf.

If you see weeds growing in your synthetic lawn, promptly pull them to prevent them from taking over. Although a physical weed barrier is laid under your turf at installation, some hearty weeds may pass through this protective layer. If you have a weed problem, consider using an herbicide to eliminate unwanted weeds quickly.

Keep a Watering Can in the Garage

Although turf maintenance Kent is a choice for residential landscaping, it does require regular care. Without it, a once-vibrant yard can become a dull eyesore and degrade your curb appeal. A few simple steps can help keep your turf looking its best.

A well-maintained lawn can resist weeds, disease and harsh weather. It also absorbs and filters stormwater runoff, keeping pollutants out of local waterways. A natural lawn care routine focuses on mowing grass high to promote deep roots, leaving clippings as mulch to return nutrients and prevent weeds, and watering efficiently.

Nevertheless, the occasional spill or sticky mess is inevitable, especially when kids play in the backyard. Quick response to these occurrences helps to minimize their impact and may even prevent long-term damage. A quick spraydown of the turf with a hose rinses away spilled drinks, gum, ketchup and other food scraps. This will also remove dust, dirt and other debris. Use mild soap or a mixture of half and half vinegar and water to wash your turf for more difficult stains.

Check Your Irrigation System

A good irrigation system is a huge investment. It also keeps your lawn healthy and can save money on municipal water costs by preventing water runoff. A single leaky sprinkler head can waste hundreds of gallons per month. Checking your system regularly for problems is a simple way to keep it in top condition and reduce waste.

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A physical weed barrier, like landscape fabric, may need to be laid under your turf at installation to prevent weeds from growing in the grass. Hearty weeds may occasionally poke through a physical barrier, so removing them promptly is important to avoid damage to the artificial lawn.

Regularly sweeping the turf with a push broom is another easy and effective maintenance trick to remove organic materials that can lead to weed, moss, and mold growth. Using a broom regularly will also help prevent the turf from wearing down quickly under the weight of pointy objects like furniture legs.

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