Estheticians are in high demand right now, with spas and salons opening nationwide. If you’re interested in becoming an esthetician, there are many steps you’ll need to take.

Choosing the correct school is the first step. You may get the education and training you need to succeed in this field from the top esthetician schools.

How to Become an Esthetician

As social media continues to drive the beauty industry, more people are becoming interested in esthetics as a career. This exciting career can be yours with hard work and proper training.

Whether you want to offer facial treatments, spray tanning, or hair removal, a career as an esthetician is a great option. These skin care professionals can effectively treat various skin problems, including acne, aging, and sun damage.

Most estheticians work in spas, hotels, health clinics, and salons, but some are self-employed. If you are an excellent communicator and can connect with clients, you can succeed as an esthetician.

So, how to become an esthetician? The first step is finding a cosmetology program in your area. Enrolling in a program accredited by the state or county would be best. The majority of programs can be finished in 9 to 12 months, while program length and the number of necessary hours differ from school to school.

Education and Training

A career as an esthetician provides an exciting and hands-on way to combine your creativity with beauty and wellness. You’ll work with clients to help them look their best in world-class salons and spas or beauty clinics nationwide.

Estheticians provide services that focus on skin treatments and facials but also do waxing, makeup application, and hair removal. They may also become certified to perform additional cosmetic services such as lash extensions and microdermabrasion.

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The qualifications for becoming an esthetician include the following:

  • A high school diploma or GED certificate.
  • a practicing permit issued by the state in which you will be employed.
  • Training from an accredited esthetics program.

Some programs offer a hybrid format where students learn in the classroom and at their esthetician clinic. Others provide a hands-on approach, with students practicing on mannequins before moving to live models or fellow estheticians for the final step of their training.


An esthetician can work in a salon and spa for a skincare brand or as a skincare consultant. But whether you choose to be an employee or start your own business, you need a strong resume and plenty of experience.

To stand out, highlight your facials, makeup application, and waxing skills on your Esthetician resume. You should also include soft skills like customer service, initiative, and problem-solving, which are crucial to success in the beauty industry.

It would be beneficial if you were at ease providing a range of services, so hone your craft by practicing with friends and family. Also, consider offering high-ticket services like microblading and eyelash extensions to boost your earnings potential. These beauty treatments tend to be in higher demand, and you can justify the price tag by pointing out your impressive skills and experience.

Continuing Education

Estheticians work closely with clients to provide skin and body services. This includes essential skincare treatments like facials and massages, product recommendations, and applications. They may also perform hair removal and makeup application.

An esthetician can find work in a wide range of settings, including spas and salons, hotels, cruise ships, and medical offices. They can even find positions as brand representatives, corporate educators, or content creators.

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Becoming an esthetician isn’t a walk in the park, but it can be a fulfilling career for those who love to help others feel beautiful. You can pass your exams and become licensed quickly by preparing correctly, staying familiar with state regulations, and keeping up with continuing education demands. Once you have done so, you can pursue your passion for beauty and help a diverse range of customers.

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