You may run for the fun of it or enjoy the friendly competition of comparing times at the end of an event. Whether you are training for your next race or just want to challenge yourself to reach a new goal, increasing your running speed may just be a matter of getting back to the basics.

Run Longer Distances

More work translates typically translates into better results. Running longer distances improves your cardiovascular health and your endurance. Even if you are training for a short race, including one or two longer runs in your weekly routine gives your body the challenge it needs to improve overall performance. When race day arrives, you have more stamina to maintain a faster pace for a longer period of time.

Incorporate Full-Body Strength Training

Many runners tend to focus their strength training on their legs and their core. Consistent, full-body weight training Mississauga, however, has several benefits. Improving overall strength helps prevent injuries, and it improves your range of motion, which is particularly useful on long runs. A strong upper body can enhance your posture, which can give you more efficient running form, shaving time off your personal record. 

Get the Right Nutrition

You can’t put cheap gas in a high-performance car and expect it to operate at its best. The same is true for your body. If you load up on high-fat, processed foods, you are likely to feel sluggish and have less energy, no matter how much exercise you get. Focus your nutritional choices on foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean protein if you want to increase the speed of your runs. 

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Make Time for Recovery

Long, hard runs are an important part of training, but so is rest. Every two or three days should be a recovery day to give your muscles a chance to rejuvenate. Drop your mileage and slow down a little on these days, or choose another type of exercise altogether, such as swimming or yoga. Even on regular run days, it’s important to remember to stretch afterwards to prevent injury. A foam roller can be useful to ease taut muscles and aid the healing process after a particularly hard run or intense strength training session.

If you’ve been running for a while, you already have the tools you need to increase your speed. Eat right, increase strength and balance intensity with rest to achieve your next personal record.

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